Russ, Shalae, & Kids

Monday, September 16, 2013

August 2013

On August 3, I celebrated these 2 loves in my life. Abby was 3 months old, and it was the 4-year anniversary of the day Russ and I met.

To celebrate the last day of Summer, Noah, Ellie and I enjoyed some Bahama Bucks.

That same day, we had lunch at the mall then got Abby's ears pierced!

August 7: first day of school for Noah!

I don't think there's ever been a happier, cuter baby girl...

We took a trip to the lake one Saturday with Suzanne and Ellie. Abby got to experience it for the first time too!

Abby confused about seeing mom in the mirror AND behind her...


3.5 months old and SO MUCH FUN!

Abby likes to show off her "tricks" by mimicking mom when she blows bubbles. It's so cute, she does it when she gets excited and knows that we will all tell her how cute and funny she is!

 Ellie is such a great helper with Abby. It was so cute to have them match one day when Ellie spent the night with us.

Noah is also a great helper with Abby, just not at the time this picture was taken!!!

Propped up in the bassinet to watch tv. Abby loves tv!

Davis & Abby

Abby didn't know whether she should smile or frown when I got her out of her crib ... this was the first morning after she started sleeping in her room. She did great!

Too little still for the jumper...

We had our "first annual" Sherwood family talent show. Everyone participated and it was the funnest night! I wish I had taken pictures of everyone's acts but here are just a few...

The Gibbons performed a number from "Saturday's Warrior"

The Cummards performed "Tight Pants"

Our family performed "I Lobster" with Russ on the guitar...

... and Kaitlyn also performed some Tayler Swift songs on her guitar!

Lucy did some dancing of course :)

Davis & Abby enjoyed the show!

Sleeping twins!

Abby is so good at locking her knees so she can perform her "cheerleading" tricks with dad.

My cutest Arizona girl!

Abby with her new baby doll the night she got it. (I have a bad habit of bringing her home a treat from the store every week.)

We took a day trip to Prescott to watch a crossfit competition that was put on to raise funds and benefit the families of the Yarnell fire hot shots. It was neat to see the roadside memorial and to see the people who came together to support a great cause. Russ - the crossfitter of the family - especially loved it because he got to see "celebrities of the crossfit world".

Abby was a good girl on our little trip. She put herself to sleep in her stroller when she got tired. She loves her silky blankets next to her face!